Product Questions

The Magento 'Product Ask Question' enables your users to ask you questions about the products from the product pages, providing an extra piece of product details. The customers can not just ask queries but also give answers by providing detailed information.

The admin can manage and maintain the thread with ease and provide more detailed details on the questions being asked.


The prospective buyers always have concerns regarding the products that they are looking forward to buying. With this tool, they can get answers to all the questions directly from the sellers. These questions and answers will be displayed on the product's page which will help every user to know more when they visit the page.


  • The product page has a tab 'Ask Question'. On clicking it, a drop-down will be shown, in which the user or guest can insert their contact and question.
  • Next, these questions are sent to the admin grid or the email of the store.
  • On receiving the email, the admin can then reply to the customer by clicking on the reply link given in the admin grid.
  • With this tool, the admin can reply to the customer's query easily.
  • All these messages are then stored in the admin panel


  • Admin can keep a check on the complete Q&A thread from the backend.
  • The question and answer section can be set for registered users or visitors.
  • Creates a positive impression about products, as customers can also answer the questions raised by other customers.
  • Helps you to create a relevant product FAQ section on the product pages
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