Priority Support for Magento 2

Stop waiting, Jump to the Front of the Line!

Your Support Requests are Considered of the Highest Priority and Processed First.

Price per hour


Our friendly customer service staff recognizes that sometimes you just can't wait for everyone in front of you to be taken care of first, that sometimes you need your issue addressed right now!

Priority Support is for our customers who require more responsive assistance with their Extendware Magento store extensions. Typically these customers require a more immediate, hands on approach to solving their unique problems and Priority Support was designed to assist this set of customers. *Please note, Priority Support does not cover additional support service, but is used to expedite current support needs, whether it is from included support or additionally purchased support. To purchase additional support please refer to our Magento Issue Resolution or Magento Development services.

Free Support Free 6-month support and upgrades
Money-Back 30 days money-back guarantee
Lifetime Updates Free lifetime updates